Since 2015. 05. 15

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수어지친 水魚之親 TISTORY

■ 마음의 양식/미술 이야기

Marc Chagall (1887 - 1985)-샤갈의 마을에 내리는 눈

지송나무 2015. 6. 23. 11:11

 Marc Chagall (1887 - 1985)

Russian-Jewish painter


 Artist at a Festival. 1982.

Oil on canvas.

116 x 89.

 Private collection.


 Great Circus. 1984.

Oil on canvas.

130 x 97.

Private collection.


 Flower Bouquet. 1982.

 Oil on canvas.


Private collection.


 Newlywedds with Eiffel Towel in the Background. 1982-83.

Oil on canvas.


Private collection.


 Artist over Vitebsk. 1982.

Oil on canvas.

92 x 60.

Private collection.


 Artist and His Wife. 1969.

Oil on canvas.

92 x 65.

 Private collection.


 Artist and His Bride. 1980.

Oil on canvas.

116 x 89.

Private collection.


 Artist and His Bride. 1980.

Oil on canvas.

116 x 89.

Private collection.


 Artist over Vitebsk. 1977-78.

 Oil on canvas.

 65 x 92.

Private collection.


Horsewoman on Red Horse. 1966.

Oil on canvas.

100 x 120.

Private collection.


 Artist and His Model. 1970-75.

Oil on canvas.

 65 x 50.

 Private collection.


 Artist's Reminiscence. 1981.

Oil on canvas.

116 x 89.

Private collection.


 Jacob's Ladder. 1973.

Oil on canvas.

73 x 92 

 Private collection.


 Cows over Vitebsk. 1966.

Oil on canvas.

116 x 89.

 Private collection.


 Bride with Blue Face. 1932-1960.

Oil on canvas.

 100 x 81.

Private collection.


Fruits and Flowers (Fruits et fleurs). 1929.

 Oil on canvas.

100 x 80.9.

Private collection.


 The Birthday. 1915.

Oil on cardboard.

80.5 x 99.5 cm.

The Museum of Modern Arts, New York, NY, USA.


 The Grand Parade. 1979/80 

Oil on canvas.

119 x 132 cm.

Private collection.


 Couple on a Red Background. 1983.

Oil on canvas.

81 x 65.5 cm.

Private collection.


 The Three Candles. 1938-40.

Oil on canvas.

127.5 x 96.5 cm.

Private collection.


 White Crucifixion. 1938.

Oil on canvas.

155 x 140 cm.

The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA.


The Painter: To the Moon. 1917.

Gouache and water-color on paper.

32 x 30 cm.

Private collection. 


 I and the Village. 1911.

Oil on canvas.

191 x 150.5 cm.

The Museum of Modern Arts, New York, NY, USA.  





 The Sun of Poros (Le soleil de Poros). 1968.

 Oil on canvas.

160 x 160 cm.

Private collection.


 The Cattle Dealer. 1912.

Oil on canvas.

97 x 200.5 cm.



 The Blue Face (Le visage bleu). 1967.

Oil on canvas.

129.7 x 96.6 cm.

Private collection.


 The Wedding Candles. (Les lumières du mariage).

Oil on canvas.

122.2 x 120 cm.

Private collection.



 Scene design for the Finale of the Ballet "Aleko". 1942.

Gouache on paper.

38 x 57.1.

The Museum of Modern Arts, New York, NY, USA.


 Equestrienne (L'écuyère). 1931.

Oil on canvas.

100 x 80.8.

Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, Netherlands.


 Peasant Life. (La vie paysanne). 1925.

Oil on canvas.

101 x 80 cm.

Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, NY, USA.


 The Promenade (La promenade). 1917-18.

Oil on canvas.

169.6 x 163.4 cm.

State Russian Museum, St.Petersburg, Russia.


 Burning House (La maison brûle). 1913.

Oil on canvas.

107 x 120.6 cm.

The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, NY, USA.


 Still Life with Vase of Flowers.

Watercolor and Indian ink.

52 x 44 cm.

Private collection.


프랑스 니스에 위치한 샤갈 미술관





 샤갈 미술관

<프랑스 니스. 성서를 주제로 그려진 샤갈의 후기작품들이 전시되어 있다.>





Zauberflote Art Print by Marc Chagall





The Magic Flute Giclee Print by Marc Chagall


The Magic Flute


Metropolitan Opera Giclee Print by Marc Chagall


Metropolitan Opera

Paris, l'Opera, 1965 Giclee Print by Marc Chagall


Paris, l'Opera, 1965

L'Arbre de Vie, 1948 Art Print by Marc Chagall


L'Arbre de Vie, 1948

Bella's Wedding Art Print by Marc Chagall


Bella's Wedding

Nice, Soleil Fleurs Giclee Print by Marc Chagall


Nice, Soleil Fleurs

Metropolitan Opera Opening, September 1966 Giclee Print by Marc Chagall


Metropolitan Opera Opening, September 1966

The House in My Village Art Print by Marc Chagall


The House in My Village

Vence, Fetes de Paques Art Print by Marc Chagall


Vence, Fetes de Paques

Jardins de St.Paul, 1973 Art Print by Marc Chagall


Jardins de St.Paul, 1973

The Angel Of Judgement, 1974 Limited Edition by Marc Chagall


The Angel Of Judgement, 1974

The Magician Of Paris, 1970 Limited Edition by Marc Chagall


The Magician Of Paris, 1970

Eifel Tower, Serenade Art Print by Marc Chagall


Eifel Tower, Serenade

L'Opera-Bleu Art Print by Marc Chagall



A Proximite des Poetes Art Print by Marc Chagall


A Proximite des Poetes

Illustrator - Shinobu Matui



샤갈의 마을에 내리는 눈


샤갈의 마을에는 삼월(三月)에 눈이 온다.

봄을 바라고 섰는 사나이의 관자놀이에

새로 돋는 靜脈(정맥)이

바르르 떤다.


바르르 떠는 사나이의 관자놀이에

새로 돋는 靜脈(정맥)을 어루만지며

눈은 數千(수천) 數萬(수만)의 날개를 달고

하늘에서 내려와 샤갈의 마을의

지붕과 굴뚝을 덮는다.'


三月(삼월)에 눈이 오면

샤갈의 마을의 쥐똥만한 겨울 열매들은

다시 올리브빛으로 물이 들고

밤에 아낙네들은

그해의 제일 아름다운 불을

아궁이에 지핀다. 


* 봄의 순수한 생명의식을 이미지로 산문적 의미를


시인의 마음속에 떠오르는 심상들을

감각적인 언어로 포착해

순수한 이미지만을 추구한 무의미의 詩

표현주의 화가 마르크 샤갈(Marc Chagall)의

《 눈내리는 마을》이 연상되는...

이 시는 마르크 샤갈의 화풍인 

초현실주의 경향의 작품세계와도 부합되는 면이 있다.


- 김춘수 -



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